Automated Operations & HR

AI Powered Training, Development & Onboarding

Elevate your onboarding and training process with our dedicated Onboarding/Training GPT.

This powerful tool is a repository for all your training documents and FAQs, designed to efficiently train new hires, accelerating their upskilling and integration into the team.

It also acts as a constant support resource, available anytime, reducing the need for new hires to rely heavily on other team members, thus optimising everyone's productivity.

AI Recruiter

Revolutionise your hiring process with our comprehensive AI-driven recruitment suite.

From crafting compelling job descriptions to posting them on top platforms like Seek and LinkedIn…

To screening applicants, conducting preliminary interviews, and managing communications throughout the entire hiring journey…

(It can even onboard your new hires)

Our AI tool streamlines each step, ensuring a smooth, efficient, and effective recruitment process that identifies and secures top talent for your team.

AI SOP Creation

Transform the way you create Standard Operating Procedures with our AI-powered SOP service.

We convert your video recordings, diagrams, and notes into clear, detailed, and easy-to-follow SOPs for your team to follow.

Ensuring operational excellence and maximum business sale value with minimal effort on your part.

AI Project Management

Elevate your team's productivity with our AI-driven Project Manager Bot.

Tailored to fit your team's unique style with customizable personalities, voices, and images, it integrates seamlessly with tools like Monday and Asana.

It not only reminds team members of their tasks but also breaks down complex projects into manageable tasks, ensuring efficiency and clarity in every step of your project.

AI Payment Collection

Streamline your payment collection process with our advanced AI tool, seamlessly integrated with systems like Xero.

Designed for efficiency, especially with numerous accounts receivable, it diligently tracks payments, proactively follows up on outstanding accounts, and, if necessary, coordinates with external debt collection services.

This tool ensures that your payment collection is as effortless as it is effective, safeguarding your cash flow and financial health.

Custom Suite of Company GPT’s built

Transform your business operations with our bespoke Custom Suite of Company GPTs.

Our service identifies key areas where AI can significantly enhance your team's productivity, not replace it.

It's about empowering your existing workforce to achieve tenfold results, leveraging the power of custom GPTs to unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation in your daily operations.